Denise M Taylor

Writing Consultant I Editor I Proofreader

You’ve worked hard to pull your writing project into shape, you’ve drafted and redrafted it until you know it inside out. You want to submit your manuscript to a publisher in the hope it will be the next bestseller. But before you do, consider the advantage of handing it over to a reputable manuscript assessor for an objective critique. Most experienced writers know that it is imperative that a well-crafted manuscript, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, is submitted to publishers or literary agents for their consideration for publication. Even if you’ve decided to self-publish, it’s equally important to make sure your manuscript is the best it can be before subjecting it to online scrutiny. It’s a fact that commissioning editors for publishing houses and literary agents will stick around for the first couple of chapters, but if they’re not hooked, or a few red flags are flying (such as verbose writing or a rambling beginning), then they’ll move on to the next manuscript on top of the heaving slush pile. Unfortunately, I often receive requests for a manuscript assessment after the author has submitted to multiple publishers or agents and has been demoralised by rejections.

Here is feedback from a recent assessment:

Hi Denise,

Wow – thank you for all your work on this. I’ve only had a chance to skim through the report, but already you’ve answered so many questions I had and helped steer my thinking on where to improve the story. There’s a lot for me to do now, but I’m excited to get back into it.

Thanks again,

Elisia Torlesse

What are the advantages of a manuscript assessment?

As a professional manuscript assessor, I provide a cost-effective, objective critique of the content in the form of a comprehensive written report. Every manuscript, fiction or non-fiction, is unique, so I don’t have a standard template to apply to each writing project. However, there are always the usual focuses for any manuscript assessment. For fiction, I consider whether the beginning is intriguing enough to immediately draw in the reader (and commissioning editors for publishers!); how effectively the plot and main character develop; if the point of view works and is consistent; if the pace flows with sufficient twists and turns; how well exposition and any flashbacks are handled; if dialogue is ‘real’ and settings are rich with atmosphere that suit the narrative. With non-fiction manuscripts, I consider whether the structure could be improved; if there is coherent content development, logical flow (avoiding repetition), appropriate use of research, and overall suitability for the intended readership. If I think the writing needs editing, I extract a passage from the manuscript and show how the writing can be improved through editing.


What are the advantages of choosing me to be your assessor?

Please be assured that if you ask me to provide a manuscript assessment and/or edit, I will be your contact and undertake the assessment myself. I do not engage freelance editors to assess or edit my clients’ manuscripts because I believe in establishing an understanding of each writer’s style and objectives for her or his project, and it is impossible to pass on that intimate knowledge to another editor/assessor.

I am an experienced assessor of most genres, including Women’s fiction, Young Adult, Romance, Literary, Fantasy, Sc-Fi, Psychological Thrillers, Mystery, Historical and Crime novels. I have also assessed a broad range of non-fiction, including memoirs, biographies and academic books. You can find out more on my Manuscript Assessments page including my fees.

I am acutely aware that it often takes many years of blood, sweat and tears for writers to craft and finetune their writing projects. And it takes considerable courage to read an assessment by a total stranger who will probably offer ideas for ‘improvement’. I understand. The truth is that when we love someone or something, we tend to lose all sense of objectivity. It’s also true that openminded writers understand the value of constructive criticism and are prepared to change aspects of their manuscripts, or even delete an episode/section that they realise isn’t working after an assessment logically suggests why.


What do some of the famous authors say about being critical of their writing?

The acclaimed French novelist Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (1873–1954) was once asked in an interview what advice she had for aspiring writers. Her startling response was, ‘Put down everything that comes into your head and then you’re a writer. But an author is one who can judge his [or her] own stuff’s worth, without pity, and destroy most of it.’ 

Ernest Hemingway’s voice is always in my head: The first draft of anything is shit. It could be that the second draft may also need reworking … and the third … before submitting to publishers or agents.

But I like Virginia Woolf’s gentle encouragement best:

It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book quiets down after a time, and one goes on more steadily. Doubts creep in. Then one becomes resigned. Determination not to give in, and the sense of an impending shape keep one at it more than anything. (‘A Writer’s Diary’, 11 May 1920)

Writing is a challenging gig, and the vulnerable, sensitive writer needs to develop resilience, patience and a thick skin. My role as an editor and manuscript assessor is to provide a respectful, constructive critique with viable suggestions as to where there may be gaps or issues in the manuscript. Often, a redraft is returned to me for editing and/or proofreading, or I end up mentoring an author following a manuscript assessment. However, there have been times when I’ve been asked to edit a manuscript that hasn’t been assessed and I have identified issues that could have been addressed with an objective appraisal.

So, why not take a deep breath and have your manuscript assessed before you submit to an agent or publisher? I would be delighted to be that assessor!


Contacting me for a manuscript assessment  …

You can begin by tellling me about your writing project via my email or send me a message via my contact page.

I look forward to ‘hearing’ from you.


(The featured photo is by Kaitlin Baker on


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